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Safe Weight Loss Methods


With all the hype surrounding the newest and “best” weight loss methods, it’s hard to know which of them are safe and which are not. While you may be looking for a quick fix weight loss solution, there is no magic bullet when it comes to shedding pounds. There are very few ways to lose weight safely, and anything offering fast results without any lifestyle changes is taking you for a ride.


If you want to drop those extra pounds, you HAVE TO exercise more. There is no escaping it, there is no denying it. You won’t lose a significant amount of weight until you get active in some way. This doesn’t mean that you should hit the gym hard if you don’t want to. You can make many small changes in your daily activities that will help you get started. You could park farther away from your office or stores, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and so on.

Calorie Control

Another of the few safe weight loss methods is calorie control. Cutting back on high calorie foods and controlling portions is a sure way to lose weight, but it won’t happen overnight. It is also important to combine calorie restriction with exercise, because you want to improve the ratio of your caloric intake to what you burn as well as reducing your intake. When you combine calorie control, not diets, with exercise you will see better results than with either alone.

Eat Frequently

If you’re skipping meals to lose weight, cut it out! Not only does skipping meals make you cranky and tired, it slows your metabolism. Eat three healthy meals a day, with high protein snacks in between to keep you full, and watch the pounds melt away.

Drink Water

When you’re dehydrated, your body can’t function properly and the weight will stay where it is. Drinking plenty of water helps clean out your system, especially when you start behaving in a healthy way. Forget about juice cleanses and other gimmicks, good old water is just what a healthy body needs. You’ll lose weight, have better skin and feel better in general if you drink enough water every day.

Reduce Carb and Sugar Intake

When you cut some carbohydrates out of your diet, you could notice a vast improvement in your weight. This does not mean you should eliminate carbs entirely, but watch your carb and sugar intake carefully, and your body will eventually begin to burn fat as an energy source instead of carbs.


There are risks involved in any weight loss plan, but you can mitigate those risks with careful planning. The options listed above are the only truly safe ways to lose weight; not crash or fad diets, not pills or drinks, not complicated meal plans or invasive surgeries. This is not to say that the weight loss methods above are 100 percent safe. It is possible to develop an eating disorder or other body dysmorphia because of taking any of these things too seriously. Remember that safe weight loss is a journey with no short cuts, so be patient.

Does Exercise Help with Weight Loss?

Does Exercise Help with Weight Loss

The list of the positive effects of exercise is long and includes lowering your risk for many serious diseases as well as improving your mental health. However, does this list include helping you to lose weight? Well, to grossly oversimplify, the answer is: it depends. But either way, it’s a good idea.

Weight Loss vs Fat Loss

Losing weight should be considered as the result of getting rid of the fat on your body. A key part of this is to eat healthy but beyond that, you need to burn the calories that you have accumulated by not exercising and not eating healthy plus the calories that you add every day.

To put it simply, you need to burn more calories than you consume in a day. If you consume 2000 calories per day, but you only burn about 1600 calories per day, your body stores the remaining 400 calories as fat. If your daily grind has resembled this for years and years, you’re probably overweight. Though, because it’s unlikely that you kept track of your calorie intake over the years, it may be more accurate to say that if you are overweight, then your daily grind likely resembled this situation.

Conversely, if you consume 1800 calories per day, but you burn 2000 calories per day by exercising and generally being active (walking around at work, cleaning the house, working in the garden) then you are burning an additional 200 calories. Where do the burned calories come from? They come from the surplus in calories that you have been storing over the years. In effect, you are chipping away at the years of stored calories by burning more calories in a day than you consume.

The Case for Muscle

You may be sitting there thinking that you already have this problem solved and you will just start eating less calories and skip the exercise. Right? Wrong. That might work short term but the negatives grossly outweigh any conceivable positive. As you get older, you lose muscle mass at an alarming rate – as much as 5% each decade after the age of 30. If you have any desire to walk a significant distance or lift anything more than your own arm when you are older, start slowing down that muscle loss now.

Interestingly, right now, as you are reading this, you are burning calories. Even if you are sitting on your couch and have been for the entire day, you’re still burning calories. But you could be doing it more effectively. Meaning, you could be burning even more calories while you are sitting there and not because you doing anything much differently then you are doing now. You see, people who are in better shape burn more calories while they are at rest. This means, that not only are you burning calories while you are exercising but you’re also doing a better of job of the same thing when you’re not exercising.


The answer to the question is yes, if you are also eating properly and exercising as well. The calories that you cut out to create the deficit is easy. Cut out the unhealthy stuff. You will lose fat faster. And remember, losing fat is the way to lose weight.

What is Medical Weight Loss?

What is medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss is a customizable weight management program for people suffering from weight related diseases, such as obesity and diabetes. Medical weight loss uses a medical scientific method to target the root cause of obesity and weight gain, and help patients achieve weight loss by utilizing prescription medications and exercise that best fit their condition and needs, under the care of a Bariatric Physician.

Who is a Bariatric Physician?

A Bariatric Physician is a doctor or a medical specialist who specializes in the treatment of Obesity and other weight related conditions. A Bariatric Physician must have adequate experience in using effective and comprehensive approach to improving the overall health of patients by helping them achieve weight loss and maintaining it.

Medical weight loss is specially designed to detect and treat any weight related condition, and this is done under absolute medical supervision. The program is made up of different aspect plans design to improve the patient’s health condition, each aspect plan is undertaken by different experts from the fields of medicine, psychology, nutrition, sleep therapy, and many others.

Why medical weight loss?

Unlike other normal weight loss program, medical weight loss requires a physician to oversees all aspects of the plan, it cannot be self-directed because it’s not advisable for people suffering from Obesity or other weight condition to self-treat this disease. Instead, this type of holistic program is better designed to help this category of people lose weight easier, faster and safer than any other weight loss program and standard dieting.

The program can also help people who are struggling with slow metabolism and menopause.

Is medical weight loss for you?

Medical weight loss might be the best option if you fall under some of these categories.

If you are a child, teen or adult who is severely overweight or considered clinically obese.

If you are diagnosed with any weight related medical condition including pre-diabetes or diabetes, T2 diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, dyslipidemia, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, cardiovascular disease, weight-related endometrial disorders or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

If you are considering or planning to undergo elective surgery such as recurrent ventral wall hernia repair or hip and knee surgery. Weight loss will better prepare you and make you a better candidate for the surgery.

If you have a history of obesity related cancers, such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon or endometrial cancer.

If you have family history of obesity, cancer or weight related conditions.

If you are seeking weight stabilization and maintenance during pregnancy.

If you are preparing for any weight loss surgery.

If you recently had any weight loss surgery and are looking to maintain weight loss after surgery.

Medical weight loss is a program design for anybody that is concern about their health, the result you get may vary with the length of the program, the plan you choose and your medical circumstances.

Is Medical Weight Loss Safe?

weight loss

Medical weight loss is not about painful surgeries or popping diet tablets. It is a scientifically proven weight management program based on targeting the actual cause of weight gain.

Weight gain or obesity is of late considered as a serious threat. It is said to increase the risk of many medical conditions like heart diseases, cancer, blood pressure irregularities, diabetes and metabolic disorders.

Medical weight loss is an option where medication is used to help lose excess weight along with lifestyle changes.

  • Initially a doctor or a certified medical professional interacts with you to
  • Identify eating habits/patterns.
  • Understand the actual reason for weight gain.
  • Questions you about any medical conditions; allergies or side effects of any medication.
  • Then after a detailed analysis they take a call on your eligibility for the program.
  • They design a customized regime, along with intake of a few medications like.
  • Hormone Therapy: As your diet will be based on low calories, it will help protect your muscle strength and help reset your metabolism rate.
  • Vitamin Injections: It will take care of the body's nutrient intake and boost energy levels.
  • Appetite Suppressants: Prescribed to suppress food cravings and control food intake.

Pros and Cons of medical weight loss


  • Medication such as appetite suppressants and metabolism booster helps to control intake of food.
  • Nutritionist approved diet plan to help monitor intake of all nutrients and supplements required by our body on a daily basis.
  • The diet plan is customized based on calorie requirement as per age, height and weight.
  • Encouraging lifestyle changes like healthy eating habits and exercise routine that helps to keep our body fit for the long run.
  • One-to-One counselling to monitor weight loss and make changes in routine, if needed.
  • It proves effective and thus reduces risk of medical conditions like heart attack and diabetes


  • Side effects or allergies caused by the medications prescribed like hair loss, menstrual irregularities, Gallstone formation, etc.
  • It definitely requires you to be patient as it is a long term pledge.
  • It could prove expensive and may not be covered by all health insurance companies.
  • The option for food intake is very limited.
  • Sudden decrease in calorie intake may cause fatigue, acidity and nausea.
  • Sometimes the side effects can also be aesthetic based like skin sagging around arms, stomach and legs.

It is true that you cannot rule out the side effects caused by the medications prescribed. It is also true that weight-loss drugs don't replace the need to make healthy changes in your eating habits and activity level.

However, some find it impossible to bring their weight under control; and do not have the knowledge to sketch out a well balanced diet. Here medical weight loss programs can definitely help. 5 – 10% reduction in weight can definitely help overcome the threat of being prone to diabetes, heart attack and other ailments.

What are Macro-Nutrients?

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What are Macro-Nutrients?

To remain fit, it is essential to adopt the right diet. The problem with most of the fitness programs and diet plans is that they focus more on counting the calories. But counting your calories isn’t the right way to measure your intake. The perfect diet is one that has all essential macro-nutrients. An ideal diet plan that can help you succeed in your fitness regime is one that counts the macro-nutrients.

So what are Macro-nutrients?

The 5 main nutrients you must be aware of are the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins. Of these, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are the macro-nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are the micro-nutrients. The human body needs all of them in different proportions for various purposes.

Macro-nutrients are those that you need in higher quantities. You would need comparatively lower proportions of micro-nutrients but they too play crucial roles.

Understanding the macro-nutrients:

To understand why your body needs macronutrients, it is important to understand the role played by proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your body.


A majority of the human body is composed of proteins. Proteins are critical in the Proteins are made up of a variety of amino acids. Among the variety of amino acids, the body needs, 9 are to be obtained from the diet. These are not synthesized in the human body. Ideally, in your daily food, proteins should constitute 10%-35% of the calories consumed. This is the USDA recommendation.


Milk, legumes, nuts, meat, fish, poultry, cheese, starchy vegetables.


Not all fats are bad. The body needs a healthy amount of good fat. In fact, eating the right amount of good fat can help you lose weight. Around 20% of your calorie intake should consist of fats. To stay healthy, include good amounts of unsaturated fats and essential fatty acids. Only saturated fats and trans-fats are the bad fats to be reduced. These can increase the heart ailments risks in the body.


Unsaturated fats- olive oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, corn oil
Essential fatty acids-tuna, salmon, sardines, ground flaxseed, canola oil, walnuts, sunflower seeds, soybean oil.


Though we discuss this last, this is one of the main macro-nutrients. They are the main sources of energy. Carbohydrates are made of sugars that the body breaks down and releases glucose. This enters the bloodstream and enters the heart, brain and the central nervous system where the glucose is broken down. This breaking down of glucose releases the energy required by the body. Your daily calorie intake should be composed of 45%- 65% of carbohydrates to keep you energetic and healthy.


Whole grains, fruits, beans, vegetables, nuts.

Major reasons why you need macro-nutrients:


  • Growth and repair of the tissues
  • Proper immunity
  • Synthesis of most enzymes and hormones


  • Efficient absorption of few micro-nutrients
  • Protecting the cell membranes
  • Maintaining the body temperature


  • They are the sources of energy for the entire body
  • They are essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

If you wish to maintain a healthy weight, concentrate on consuming enough amounts of macro-nutrients. Measuring the macro-nutrients instead of the calories is the right way to monitor and alter your diet.

Weight Loss for Apple Shape

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Weight loss for Apple Shape

Getting the ideal shape for your body takes time and effort, there is no short cut. However the good news is that with the proper diet and exercise you can get that ideal shape that you have always dreamed of. Here are a few steps you can take to lose weight and get that apple shape for your body:

  • Eat fruits and veggies: Fruits and veggies are your best friend when you are trying to lose weight. They contain good fiber that helps to clean out your intensities and keep your body flowing regularly. Additionally they contain nutrients and antioxidants that help to protect your body from illness and disease. If you are having trouble getting in your daily amount of fruits and veggies you may want to consider juicing your veggies. My favorite recipe calls for ginger, kale and pineapple and it’s the first thing I drink when I wake up in the morning. Fruits such as watermelon, oranges, grapefruits are great for weight loss due to their high water content. Veggies such as celery and cucumbers are also great because they are high in content and have healthy fiber and nutrients that your body needs. IF you are serious about getting that apple body shape, stop but the supermarket and pick these up today.
  • Drink lots of water: The average person should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day; however with a hectic day it’s easy to overlook this. However water is an important part of weight loss because it helps to flush our body of toxins and also rehydrates of skin and blood. The next time you sit to have a meal consider drinking a full liter of water before you eat your food. It helps to reduce your appetite and keeps you energized throughout the day instead of a sugary or sweet drink. There are many different way you can change up your water so it doesn’t get boring. Personally I like to add a squeeze of lemon juice or even a cap full of apple cider vinegar. On some occasions I also cut orange or lemon slices into the water so it has a fruity taste, which makes it much easier to drink. Whatever you do, start drinking enough water today and you’ll be surprised at how much it helps you to get rid of that stubborn belly fat.
  • Exercise Daily: Get in the habit of exercising daily. Whether that means going for a walk in the evenings of doing a light swim in the morning. Find 15 minutes in your day to schedule some time to exercise. Getting your heart rate up and sweating for a little every day helps to keep your cardiovascular system strong and healthy. Living a sedentary lifestyle over many years can cause you to pack on pounds without you even realizing. If you can try to include some resistance training such as pushups, burpees or squats. These help to target multiple muscle groups while also burning a large amount of calories. The trick to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. The perfect way to get a head start on burning calories is to start sweating them out!

Finding the time to exercise can often be difficult in a hectic work day. When you get home the last thing you want to think about is to exercise. If you are serious about getting that apple shape then it’s time to start taking a serious look at your exercise habits. Find a sport that you enjoy doing or join a group activity like baseball or tennis. Whatever you do, look for ways to keep active and staying shape. After a while you won’t even notice that you’re exercising and the weight will just slip right off. However like everything in life the hardest part is just getting started!

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