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Does Red Meat Affect Gout?


Does Red Meat Affect Gout?

Changing diet has been known to help with gout, as there are certain foods that are high in purines, which form the Uric acid that may cause gout when it’s too much in the blood. In order to control and manage gout, it is recommended to avoid some food including sugary food, alcohol, some seafood and some meat and vegetables.

Gout is a painful form of arthritis, which occur when there is too much uric acid in the blood, which lead to a buildup of fluid around the joint that then results in forming needle-sharp uric-acid crystals around the affected joint. The formation of uric acid crystals around the joint_ causes the painful inflammation of the joint. The big toe is often the most venerable to gout attack but it can also attack the knees, hands, ankles and feet, the attack can sometimes be recurrent that come time to time.

The purine in the blood is the one responsible for the development of Uric acid, while our body produces purine, we also get purine from the food we eat and drinks. The most common management and prevention of gout attack are by controlling of diet and changing a bit of lifestyle, such as cutting down alcohol intake and some other purine rich diets.

Does Meat affect Gout?

The purine level in meat can vary from one animal to another and from one part of the meat to another, making some meat a bit safe with gout and many others to be avoided completely. Meat may be a good source of protein which increases the elimination of purine in the body but there are some meats that are high in purine. This food will actually increase the purine formation in the body. Turkey and most red meat are considered unsafe with gout.

Does Red Meat Affect Gout?

Generally, red meats are very high in purine, therefore it is often recommended to be avoided, regardless of the animal or part. While it is believed that red meat will put you at a risk of gout attack and may also worsen your condition, but some white meats are considered safe to eat, but not too much.

Red meats like lamb are not very good, but the occasional indulgence of some red meat like beef is still safe. But if your gout is at an inter-critical or chronic tophaceous stage, it is better and safer to avoid all meat. Also, organs like liver, kidney, tongue and sweetbreads should be avoided.

Not all white meat is safe either, some white meat like turkey is very high in purines and its best to avoid them completely. Chicken and dock are safe, leg meat will also be the best choice when you are going for chicken.

It is okay to eat red meat once in a while, if your gout is in the asymptomatic stage, but not too much, not to worsen your condition. You can talk to your doctor for advice on whether red meat once in a while is still safe for you.

Best Foods For Gout


Best Foods For Gout

Gout is a very painful condition involving the joints. It is a form of arthritis, and the most painful that there is. Aside from the pain it also leads to swelling, inflammation, and limited mobility in the affected joints. The primary cause for gout is uric-acid crystals which form in the joints. A lot of uric acid which the body accumulates comes in a way from the food that we eat. This means that there are foods which you can avoid, that will make gout worse, and foods which may help to relieve the condition somewhat—or at least keep it from getting too much worse.

When your body breaks down purine, a chemical, it produces uric acid. Purine is a substance which develops naturally in the body, yet it also exists in food. Although uric acid is excreted in the urine sometimes the body has trouble expelling it, for one reason or another, and this is when it begins to form in the joints. A special diet could help keep uric acid levels in the blood at a minimum. Unfortunately eating a gout diet will not cure the condition, but it can slow its progression and lower the risk of the pain.

In a gout diet the primary objective is foods that are low in purine, but the foods that you avoid may be just as essential as the foods that you do try to eat. You will want to stay away from red meat, seafood, bread, and alcohol. You also won't want to eat liver or kidney. When you think about all the foods that contain purine the list of options you can eat may seem small, but there are still quite a few things that you can include in your diet.

It wasn't long ago that people with gout were warned against vegetables that have purine, such as spinach, asparagus, and mushrooms. It would appear, however, that these vegetables don't adversely effect gout and you can still eat them. There are also a lot of healthy compounds contained even in vegetables which have purine.

If you are seeking out some food that has low levels of purine, go for spices, sweet potatoes, and carrots. This makes for a few good and even tasty meal choices, like ginger soup and curried carrot. Cherries are recommended for people with gout. In fact, studies have been conducted on the positive affects of cherries and it appears that it greatly decreases the risk of gout attacks if consumed consistently. Dairy products could also help to boost the excretion of uric acid in the urine, which is good for gout sufferers. Coffee seems to lower the risk of gout. Of course, water also has its role in most health conditions. Drinking plenty of water can lower the risk of gout attacks. Talk to your doctor about how much water you can drink, but 5-8 glasses of water a day could greatly help the problem. Even though the foods you eat won't cure gout, they could make life easier.

Foods to Avoid with Gout


Foods to Avoid with Gout

What is Gout?

Gout is a painful inflammation to the joints_ a type of arthritis cause by excess uric acid in the blood. When there is too much uric acid in the blood, it starts to buildup fluid surrounding the joints which may result in needle-sharp uric-acid crystals and accumulate around the joint. The formation of these uric acid crystals cause the joints to swell and cause intense pain.

What is causing Gout?

Gout develops when there is over-abundance of uric acid in the blood which will result in the formation of uric-acid crystals around the joint and cause inflammation in the joint area. This excess uric acid may be the result of diet high in purines or your body may for some reason produce too much uric acid. Gout can attack the knees, hands, ankles and feet and gout attack can last for days, even months. That is why the best way to control Gout; in addition to taking medications_ is dietary. Basically, cut down foods that are high in purines.

The foods to Avoid with Gout


You need to cut down on seafood intake to a minimum; some of these foods are high in purines, which promote the excess development of uric acid in your body. Some are still okay for occasional indulgence like Scallops, shrimp, lobster and salmon which high selection of them need to be off the menu; including herring, sardines, tuna, and anchovies.


Just like meats are different in taste, they are also different when it comes to purine content. Most red meat is high in purines and should be avoid. It’s okay to eat some types of red meat once in a while but not too much to keep your body from developing excess purines.

Well, some white meats like Chicken and duck are generally better than red meat when it comes to purines but Turkey should be avoid by all means. Research shows that Turkey and goose are higher in purines.

Sugary food and beverages

Sweet and sugar are generally high in calories which can increase the risk of gout. Food and beverages sweetened with fructose, such as non-diet sodas and some fruit drinks tend to increase uric acid level which increase the risk of developing gout. Hydrating your body properly by increasing your daily water intake will help reduce risk of gout attack.

Alcohol consumption is very bad when you are trying to manage gout, they not only high in purine and increase your blood uric acid level but also disrupts the removal of uric acid from the body. When your body is intoxicated, it becomes difficult for your body to clear out this substance from your system. It is recommended to avoid beer and limit your wine consumption.

Some Vegetables

There are some vegetables that are high in purine, such as cauliflower, spinach, asparagus and mushrooms are higher in purines than other vegetables. They should be cut down to minimum.


Taking on this gout-friendly diet will not cure gout but will help reduce the risk of developing more uric acid and also reduce the recurring gouts painful attacks. The aim in managing gouts is to try and lower the amount of uric acid in the blood but lowing the purine development in your system.

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