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Does Oatmeal Improve Your Dog’s Coat?


In the current society, pets have become an important part of our lives. So much so that we regard them as a part of our family. And as with any family member, we pay special attention when it comes to taking care of our pets. When talking about pets, one particular kind of pet comes to mind immediately. Popular called as man’s best friend, dogs have indeed been by our side for thousands of years. Initially kept to aid in hunting, dogs now serve a very different purpose. Whatever kind of breed your dog is, you’ll want to keep it healthy, clean and looking very good. To this end, there are countless products on the market and several natural methods in order to keep your dog in shape. One aspect of a dog that most people focus on is the coat of the dog. This is the skin and fur around the skin. The coat is extremely hard to keep clean and healthy. Hence people lay claim to many items that improve its condition. One such claim is oatmeal. People debate on whether oatmeal helps dogs. Not when consuming oatmeal but when applying oatmeal on a dogs coat. We will be explaining weather oatmeal indeed does improve a dog’s coat.

If the issue you are having with your dog’s coat is that it is scratchy and irritating to the dog, then oatmeal could indeed help your dog. What you should do is apply some oatmeal on your dog and it will reduce the itchiness of the skin. This is due to the fact that it contains chemicals which will reduce the itching. What oatmeal does is that it lessens the pH that is in your dog’s skin. This will result in less itching. Deceases such as eczema and psoriasis are ones which are related to itching of the skin. These deceased could also R combated by the use of oatmeal.

Another issue is the drying of the dog’s coat. A dry coat could occur due to several factors but the main reason is the weather condition. A dry coat could also be improved by using oatmeal. This is due to the moisturizing properties that are present in oatmeal. What this will do is that it will soften the dog’s skin and fur making it smooth and removing the dryness. Another pressing issue that is present in a dog’s coat is hotspots. Hotspots are places of particular irritation. It could occur due to a hard knock or a sprain. This could also be treated by using oatmeal. However a different approach is needed. You need to apply oatmeal for several days in a row for around 15 minutes per day. After a few days the hotspot should be gone.

Hence it is clear from the above factors that oatmeal does indeed improve a dog’scoat. However it is important that you consult a vet first as the dog could have certain allergies with regard to oatmeal.

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